Doctor Who · Episode 8x2 'Into the Dalek'
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A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them now. The Doctor faces his greatest enemy and he needs Clara by his side. Confronted with a decision that could change the Daleks forever he is forced to examine his conscience. Will he find the answer to his question - "Am I a good man?"
German (Deutsch)
Bei einer Rettungsmission entdeckt der Doktor einen angeblich friedlichen, guten Dalek. Der Doktor sucht Clara auf und bittet sie um Mithilfe. Gemeinsam reisen sie ins Innere des Daleks, um herauszufinden, was den Dalek gut macht.
French (Français)
Le Docteur sauve Journey Blue d'une attaque dalek et la reconduit à bord de son vaisseau, « L'Aristote ». Il découvre que son équipage détient un Dalek endommagé, devenu bon. Pendant ce temps, sur Terre, Clara fait la connaissance d'un vétéran de l'Afghanistan, Danny Pink. En retournant à son bureau, elle tombe sur le Docteur, qui l'emmène sur « L'Aristote ». Le Docteur compte se miniaturiser et s'introduire à l'intérieur du Dalek, dans l'espoir de comprendre pourquoi ce monstre est devenu bon. Clara, Journey et deux soldats l'accompagnent dans cette aventure...
Italian (Italiano)
Una flotta di Dalek circonda una nave ribelle solitaria, e solo il Dottore può aiutarli ora. Il Dottore affronta il suo più grande nemico e ha bisogno di Clara al suo fianco. Di fronte a una decisione che potrebbe cambiare per sempre i Dalek, è costretto a esaminare la sua coscienza. Troverà la risposta alla sua domanda: "Sono un brav'uomo?"
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 68% · 61 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 7,017 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
The Doctor | Peter Capaldi |
Clara Oswald | Jenna Coleman |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Missy | Michelle Gomez |
Fleming | Bradley Ford |
Journey Blue | Zawe Ashton |
Colonel Morgan Blue | Michael Smiley |
Gretchen | Laura Dos Santos |
Ross | Ben Crompton |
Courtney Woods | Ellis George |
School Secretary | Michelle Morris |
Mr Armitage | Nigel Betts |
Dalek | Barnaby Edwards |
Danny Pink | Samuel Anderson |
Daleks (voice) | Nicholas Briggs |
Department | Job | Person |
Art | Production Design | Michael Pickwoad |
Camera | Director of Photography | G. Magni Ágústsson |
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design | Howard Burden |
Makeup Designer | Claire Pritchard | |
Directing | Director | Ben Wheatley |
Production | Producer | Nikki Wilson |
Writing | Writer | Phil Ford |
Steven Moffat |