TV Show 'Helix' 2 Seasons
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Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind's salvation...or total annihilation.
German (Deutsch)
Die Handlung der Serie dreht sich um ein Team von Wissenschaftlern des amerikanischen CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deutsch Zentrum für Seuchenbekämpfung), das zu einer Hightech-Forschungseinrichtung der Firma Arctic BioSystems in der Arktis reist, um den potenziellen Ausbruch einer Seuche zu untersuchen.
French (Français)
Une équipe de scientifiques enquête sur une redoutable maladie dans un centre de recherche en Arctique. La survie de l'humanité est entre leurs mains...
Italian (Italiano)
Il thriller segue le vicende di un gruppo di scienziati del CDC (Centers for Disease Control) che si recano in un laboratorio in una regione remota del Polo Nord per indagare la possibilità di un contagio. Tuttavia una volta sul posto si trovano coinvolti in una battaglia terrificante per la sopravvivenza che potrebbe essere la chiave per la salvezza dell'umanità, o al contrario, del suo totale annientamento.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Canceled
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- atlanta
- disease
- georgia
- immortality
- outbreak
- research facility
- scientist
- survival
- virus
- Genres
- Drama
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Sony Pictures Television
Muse Entertainment
Lynda Obst Productions
Tall Ship Productions
Kaji Productions
- Networks
- Content Ratings / Classifications
MA 15+
- Ratings
- TMDb 66% · 431 (more information on website)
- IMDb 67% · 30,897 (more information on website)
Number | Overview | #Episodes | Air Date |
Season 1 | A team of scientific investigates a dreadful disease in a research center en Artic. The survival of humanity is in their hands ... | 13 | |
Season 2 | After barely escaping with their lives, the survivors of season one attempt to move on from the horrors that took place at Arctic Biosystems. But when their work takes them to a mysterious and remote wooded island, they quickly discover the Ilaria Corporation's reach is deeper and darker than anyone imagined, and a deadly new virus will present a threat that no one thought possible. | 13 |
Character | Person |
Dr. Alan Farragut | Billy Campbell |
Daniel Aerov | Meegwun Fairbrother |
Dr. Sarah Jordan | Jordan Hayes |
Major Sergio Balleseros | Mark Ghanimé |
Dr. Peter Farragut | Neil Napier |
Dr. Julia Walker | Kyra Zagorsky |
Brother Michael | Steven Weber |
Dr. Kyle Sommer | Matt Long |
Leila Weisner | Cristina Rosato |
Dr. Hiroshi Hataki | Hiroyuki Sanada |
Sister Amy | Alison Louder |
Sister Anne | Severn Thompson |
Sister Amy | Alison Louder |