TV Show 'iZombie' 5 Seasons

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Rebel without a cure.

A medical student who becomes a zombie joins a Coroner's Office in order to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat so that she can maintain her humanity. But every brain she eats, she also inherits their memories and must now solve their deaths with help from the Medical examiner and a police detective.

Germany German (Deutsch)

An dem Morgen nach einer Partynacht erwacht Liv Moore als Zombie. Um ihren Hunger zu stillen, verspeist sie Gehirne von toten Menschen, welche in der Leichenhalle liegen, in der sie als Gerichtsmedizinerin arbeitet. Durch das Verspeisen dieser Gehirne übernimmt sie jedoch auch einige Erinnerungen der Verstorbenen sowie Teile ihrer Charakterzüge. Als später ihr Kollege Ravi davon erfährt, nutzen die beiden mithilfe des Polizisten Clive Babineaux Livs Visionen, um Mordfälle zu lösen.

Austria German (Deutsch)

Medizinstudentin Liv wird zum Zombie und will mit Gehirnen aus der Leichenhalle ihre Menschlichkeit bewahren. Außerdem hat sie plötzlich eine außergewöhnliche Begabung.

France French (Français)

Olivia Moore, surnommée Liv, une étudiante transformée en zombie lors d'une soirée qui a très mal tourné, travaille en tant que médecin légiste afin de pouvoir profiter du festin que représentent pour elle les cervelles des défunts. A chaque bouchée, elle hérite des souvenirs de la personne. Cherchant désespérément un sens à sa vie, elle se rend compte qu'avec l'aide du détective Clive Babinaux, elle peut résoudre les affaires de meurtres et calmer ainsi les voix qui la tourmentent dans sa tête...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Una studentessa di medicina diventata zombie cerca di mantenersi umana mangiando cervelli in obitorio; così scopre di avere il dono di risolvere i crimini.

Episode Runtimes
based on comic
based on graphic novel
crime investigation
female protagonist
medical examination
memory transfer
seattle, washington
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Warner Bros. Television
United States of America Spondoolie Productions
United States of America DC Vertigo
United States of America The CW
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Canada G
Canada PG
Australia MA 15+
Switzerland 18
Germany 18
Germany 16
Austria 16
France 16
France 10
TMDb 78% · 2,835 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 76,290 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 1Life's great for young doctor Liv, until she's turned into a zombie. Now she's a brain-eating coroner with a nice knack for catching killers.13
Season 2While brains-eating Liv helps solve the murders of a stripper and other victims, Major struggles with his own changes and Peyton reenters Liv's life.19
Season 3Liv faces a rising foe in Vivian Stoll, head of Fillmore-Graves Enterprises and a visionary whose long-term plan is to make Seattle a zombie capital.13
Season 4In the aftershock of Discovery Day, Liv tangles with black marketeers, street gangs and other perils plaguing Seattle, now a zombie segregation zone.13
Season 5In the final season, zombies in Seattle face a critical food shortage, Major takes the reins at Fillmore-Graves and Liv's fate hangs in the balance.13


Olivia "Liv" MooreRose McIver
Blaine DeBeersDavid Anders
Major LilywhiteRobert Buckley
Clive BabinauxMalcolm Goodwin
Ravi ChakrabartiRahul Kohli
Peyton CharlesAly Michalka
Don EverhartBryce Hodgson

Created by


ProductionExecutive ProducerDan Etheridge
Diane Ruggiero
Rob Thomas
Post Production CoordinatorSarah Paek
SoundMusicJosh Kramon