NCIS: New Orleans · Episode 6x14 'The Man in the Red Suit'

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When Pride is unable to sleep due to continuing nightmares about the mysterious man in the red suit, he undergoes a specialized treatment to help him figure out the man’s identity. Also, an arrogant new officer, Special Agent Quentin Carter, joins the team.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Mann im roten Anzug

France French (Français)

L'homme au costume rouge

Lorsque Pride est incapable de dormir en raison de cauchemars continus à propos de l'homme mystérieux en costume rouge, il subit un traitement spécialisé pour l'aider à comprendre l'identité de l'homme. En outre, un nouvel officier arrogant, l'agent spécial Quentin Carter se joint à l'équipe.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'uomo in rosso

Pride deve fare i conti con le sue notti insonni e decide di sottoporsi alla terapia psichedelica, su consiglio della dottoressa Tanaka. Nel frattempo, arriva in ufficio il nuovo agente che sostituisce Lasalle.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 249 (more information on website)


Dwayne PrideScott Bakula
Tammy GregorioVanessa Ferlito
Hannah KhouryNecar Zadegan
Sebastian LundRob Kerkovich
Patton 'Triple P' PlameDaryl Mitchell
Loretta WadeCCH Pounder

Guest Stars

Quentin CarterCharles Michael Davis
Beth TanakaAngel Desai
Little Dwayne PrideGavin Warren
Man in the Red SuitNeal Bledsoe
Jimmy BoydJason Alan Carvell
RoySteven Waldren
Sgt. Rosa OrtizMichelle Bonilla


DirectingDirectorJames Hayman