Supergirl · Episode 4x10 'Suspicious Minds'
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Colonel Haley is upset after Supergirl responds to a distress call from a Navy ship that turned out to be a deadly alien attack. Colonel Haley reclaims the site as DEO territory and demands that Supergirl step aside. After Supergirl refuses to be told what to do, Haley refocuses her energy on finding out Supergirl's true identity and begins to interrogate all DEO agents, including Alex. Meanwhile, Brainiac-5 tries to persuade Nia to embrace her superpowers but she misinterprets his motives.
German (Deutsch)
Kara versucht ihre Arbeit mit der DEO fortzusetzen, doch Colonel Haley entbindet sie von ihren Plfichten. Grund dafür ist ihre Weigerung ihre Geheimidentität öffentlich zu machen. Alex trommelt daraufhin die Agenten zusammen, die Karas Identität ohnehin kennen. Gemeinsam beschließen sie sich Haleys Verhören zu verweigern. So untersuchen Kara, Alex und J’onn den Angriff durch die Morai, zwei unsichtbaren Aliens. Um Kara vor Haleys Zugriff zu schützen greift Alex schließlich zu einem radikalen Mittel.
French (Français)
Le colonel Haley est en colère après que Supergirl a répondu à un appel de détresse qui s'est révélé être une attaque extraterrestre meurtrière. Elle décide alors de recentrer son énergie sur la découverte de la véritable identité de Supergirl. Pendant ce temps, Brainiac-5 tente de persuader Nia d’accepter ses super-pouvoirs mais celle-ci interprète mal ses motivations.
Italian (Italiano)
In Russia, Red Daughter continua il suo addestramento. Supergirl, dopo essersi rifiutata di rivelare al Governo la sua identità segreta, è stata congedata dal D.E.O.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 62% · 12 (more information on website)
- IMDb 74% · 1,326 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Kara Danvers / Supergirl / Kara Zor-El | Melissa Benoist |
Alex Danvers / Sentinel | Chyler Leigh |
J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter | David Harewood |
Lena Luthor | Katie McGrath |
Querl 'Brainy' Dox / Brainiac-5 | Jesse Rath |
Nia Nal / Dreamer | Nicole Maines |
Ben Lockwood / Agent Liberty | Sam Witwer |
James 'Jimmy' Olsen / Guardian | Mehcad Brooks |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Col. McAllister | Graeme Guthrie |
General Tan | Russell Wong |
Colonel Lauren Haley | April Parker Jones |
Instructor | Bethany Brown |
DEO Agent #1 | Jojo Ahenkorah |
DEO Agent #2 | Mehdi Darvish |
Agent Lawrence | Hamza Fouad |
DEO Agent #4 | Sue Ing |
Kasnian General | Raphael Kepinski |
Agent Wolf | Sonny Litt |
DEO Agent #3 | Toni Nielsen |
Kasnian Soldier | Sasha Piltsin |
DEO Agent | Donna Benedicto |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Assistant Director | Thomas Ma |
Director | Rachel Talalay | |
Production | Assistant Location Manager | Matt Villeneuve |
Writing | Writer | Gabriel Llanas |
Maria Maggenti |