Star Trek: Discovery · Episode 4x10 'The Galactic Barrier'

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Captain Burnham and her crew must go where few have gone before: beyond the Galactic Barrier. Meanwhile, Book learns the truth of what drives Ruon Tarka.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Galaktische Barriere

Captain Burnham und ihre Crew müssen dorthin gehen, wo nur wenige zuvor waren: jenseits der Galaktischen Barriere. Währenddessen erfährt Book die Wahrheit über Ruon Tarkas Motivation.

France French (Français)

La barrière galactique

Le capitaine Burnham et son équipage doivent aller là où peu sont allés auparavant : au-delà de la barrière galactique. Pendant ce temps, Book apprend la vérité sur ce qui motive Ruon Tarka.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La Barriera Galattica

Il capitano Burnham e il suo equipaggio devono andare dove pochi sono andati prima: oltre la Barriera Galattica. Nel frattempo, Book scopre la verità su ciò che motiva Ruon Tarka.

First Aired
TMDb 59% · 19 (more information on website)
IMDb 59% · 2,191 (more information on website)


Michael BurnhamSonequa Martin-Green
SaruDoug Jones
Sylvia TillyMary Wiseman
Paul StametsAnthony Rapp
Dr. Hugh CulberWilson Cruz
Adira TalBlu del Barrio
Cleveland 'Book' BookerDavid Ajala

Guest Stars

Lt./Lt. Cmdr. R.A. BryceRonnie Rowe
Joann OwosekunOyin Oladejo
RhysPatrick Kwok-Choon
Keyla DetmerEmily Coutts
Lt. NilssonSara Mitich
Fleet Admiral Charles VanceOded Fehr
Dr. KovichDavid Cronenberg
OrosOsric Chau
Orion GuardChristopher Allen
Dr. HiraiHiro Kanagawa
Zora (voice)Annabelle Wallis
President T'RinaTara Rosling
Ruon TarkaShawn Doyle
UFP President Laira RillakChelah Horsdal
LinusDavid Benjamin Tomlinson
Lt. ChristopherOrville Cummings
NdoyePhumzile Sitole


DirectingDirectorDeborah Kampmeier