Travelers · Episode 1x1 'Travelers'

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Five strangers become an elite team of secret operatives when time travelers take over their conscious minds, to try to correct the terrible problems that face humanity in their own time.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Fünf Fremde werden zu einem Elite-Team von Geheimagenten, als ihr Verstand von Zeitreisenden übernommen wird, die versuchen, die schlimmen Probleme zu lösen, die die Menschheit in ihrem Zeitalter plagen.

France French (Français)


Quand plusieurs citoyens ordinaires paraissent possédés par des créatures venues du futur, l'agent du FBI Grant MacLaren découvre l'importance cruciale de leur mission.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Quando delle persone assumono le coscienze di individui provenienti dal futuro, l'agente dell'FBI Grant MacLaren scopre la missione cruciale che sono chiamate a compiere.

First Aired
TMDb 74% · 35 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 2,252 (more information on website)


Grant MacLarenEric McCormack
Marcy WartonMacKenzie Porter
Carly ShannonNesta Cooper
Trevor HoldenJared Abrahamson
Philip PearsonReilly Dolman
David MailerPatrick Gilmore

Guest Stars

Walt ForbesArnold Pinnock
Dr. Grace LeeOlivia Cheng
Ray GreenIan Tracey
Detective GowerGarry Chalk
Patricia HoldenTeryl Rothery
StephenZack Lavoie
ToryAngela Palmer
Rene BellamyAlyssa Lynch
Gary HoldenWilliam MacDonald
KyleDylan Playfair
Jeff ConnikerJ. Alex Brinson
Teen #1Tyson Bellusci


DirectingDirectorNick Hurran