S.W.A.T. · Episode 6x10 'Witness'
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The SWAT team races to locate a young boy abducted from a homeless shelter. Also, Street allows his personal history to cloud his judgement on the kidnapping case, and Hondo and Nichelle find themselves at odds over their spiritual beliefs.
German (Deutsch)
Das SWAT-Team versucht, einen kleinen Jungen zu finden, der aus einem Obdachlosenheim entführt wurde. Außerdem lässt Street zu, dass seine persönliche Geschichte sein Urteilsvermögen in dem Entführungsfall trübt, und Hondo und Nichelle geraten wegen ihrer spirituellen Überzeugungen aneinander.
French (Français)
L'équipe du S.W.A.T. se précipite pour localiser un jeune garçon enlevé dans un refuge pour sans-abri. De plus, Street laisse son passé personnel obscurcir son jugement dans l'affaire d'enlèvement, et Hondo et Nichelle se retrouvent en désaccord sur leurs croyances spirituelles.
Italian (Italiano)
La squadra SWAT corre per localizzare un ragazzo rapito da un rifugio per senzatetto. Inoltre, Street permette che la sua storia personale offuschi il suo giudizio sul caso del rapimento, e Hondo e Nichelle si ritrovano in disaccordo sulle loro convinzioni spirituali.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 70% · 3 (more information on website)
- IMDb 73% · 332 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson | Shemar Moore |
David 'Deacon' Kay | Jay Harrington |
Jim Street | Alex Russell |
Victor Tan | David Lim |
Dominique Luca | Kenny Johnson |
Robert 'Bob' Hicks | Patrick St. Esprit |
Nichelle Carmichael | Rochelle Aytes |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Zoe Powell | Anna Enger Ritch |
Ramona Quinn | Emily Swallow |
Abby | Tania Raymonde |
Dunn | Karl Makinen |
Diana | Kate Orsini |
Micah | Jeremy Maguire |
Chopper Jack | Joe Bucaro III |
Walter | David O'Hara |
Ruth | Toni Christopher |
Staff Member | Clinton Lowe |
Pasadena Cop | Aaron Colom |
Bobby | Jean Claude Leuyer |