S.W.A.T. · Episode 6x22 'Legacy'

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The team works with the DEA and their iron-jawed leader, Mack Boyle, to stop a ruthless cartel boss waging war on the streets of Los Angeles as he exacts revenge on those who killed his son.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Mack Boyles DEA-Einheit und Hondos S.W.A.T.-Team stellen sich einem gnadenlosen Kartell-Boss entgegen. Getrieben von Racheplänen, zündet der Gangster in den Straßen von L.A. eine Explosion der Gewalt.

France French (Français)

La vengeance de Zamora

L'équipe collabore avec la DEA et leur leader déterminé, Mack Boyle, pour arrêter un impitoyable chef de cartel qui fait la guerre dans les rues de Los Angeles et se venge de ceux qui ont tué son fils.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La lettera

La squadra collabora con la DEA e il suo leader dalla mascella di ferro, Mack Boyle, per fermare uno spietato boss del cartello che dichiara guerra per le strade di Los Angeles mentre esige vendetta su coloro che hanno ucciso suo figlio.

First Aired
TMDb 53% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Daniel 'Hondo' HarrelsonShemar Moore
David 'Deacon' KayJay Harrington
Jim StreetAlex Russell
Victor TanDavid Lim
Dominique LucaKenny Johnson
Robert 'Bob' HicksPatrick St. Esprit
Nichelle CarmichaelRochelle Aytes

Guest Stars

Zoe PowellAnna Enger Ritch
Marcos GuzmanSteve Louis Villegas
MurielSamantha Ashley
DEA Agent Mack BoyleTimothy Hutton
DEA Agent Red CorbyDarren Naylor
Sancho ZamoraSteven Bauer
Braden BoyleRhys Becker
CarminaMarta Portillo
Sicario #3Edwin Garcia II
PesadoJesus Guevara


Camera"A" Camera OperatorTim Dolan
"B" Camera OperatorRiley Padelford
"C" Camera OperatorMichael Otis Ropert
Best Boy GripJeff Richardson
Director of PhotographyFrancis Kenny
Key GripCaleb R. Nelson
DirectingDirectorBilly Gierhart
First Assistant DirectorGreg Hale
Second Assistant DirectorBill R. Delaney
EditingAssistant EditorLeah Gunter
EditorBrock Hammitt