S.W.A.T. · Episode 8x4 'The Sepulveda Protocol'

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A blackout throws the city into chaos, forcing 20-Squad onto the streets for an emergency patrol day, which quickly escalates when Hondo and team uncover a terror threat.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das Sepulveda-Protokoll

Ein Stromausfall stürzt L.A. ins Chaos. Alle S.W.A.T.-Cops müssen auf Streife, um das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Die Lage eskaliert, als Hondos Team eine Terrorbedrohung aufdeckt.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un blackout getta la città nel caos, costringendo la squadra 20 a scendere in strada per un giorno di pattugliamento d'emergenza, la cui situazione degenera rapidamente quando Hondo e la squadra scoprono una minaccia terroristica.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 1 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Daniel 'Hondo' HarrelsonShemar Moore
David 'Deacon' KayJay Harrington
Victor TanDavid Lim
Robert 'Bob' HicksPatrick St. Esprit
Zoe PowellAnna Enger Ritch
Miguel AlfaroNiko Pepaj
Devin GambleAnnie Ilonzeh

Guest Stars