Barry · Episode 1x7 'Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast, and Keep Going'
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After a shootout at the airstrip, Barry must make a tough decision to avoid capture. Sally worries her performance in MacBeth will be compromised and ruin her chance at impressing a top talent agent.
German (Deutsch)
Eine tödliche Schießerei könnte zur Folge haben, dass Barry (Bill Hader) nicht an der Aufführung teilnehmen kann, die für Sally (Sarah Goldberg) alles auf der Welt bedeutet.
French (Français)
Après une fusillade meurtrière, Barry doit prendre une décision difficile pour éviter l’arrestation. Pazar reproche à Fuches de l’avoir convaincu de déclarer la guerre à Cristobal Sifuentes, un baron de la drogue bolivien impitoyable.
Italian (Italiano)
I boliviani dichiarano guerra ai ceceni; Chris vorrebbe costituirsi alla polizia, costringendo Barry a prendere una decisione.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 86% · 41 (more information on website)
- IMDb 92% · 6,333 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Barry Berkman | Bill Hader |
Sally Reed | Sarah Goldberg |
NoHo Hank | Anthony Carrigan |
Gene Cousineau | Henry Winkler |
Monroe Fuches | Stephen Root |
Goran Pazar | Glenn Fleshler |
Det. Janice Moss | Paula Newsome |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Janice Moss | Paula Newsome |
Natalie Greer | D'Arcy Carden |
Cristobal Sifuentes | Michael Irby |
Chris Lucado | Christopher Rodriguez Marquette |
Taylor Garrett | Dale Pavinski |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Alec Berg |
Writing | Writer | Elizabeth Sarnoff |