Lie to Me · Episode 1x2 'Moral Waiver'

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When a female soldier charges a commanding officer with sexual assault, Lightman is brought to Fort Meade to find out if there's any truth to the accusation. Meanwhile, the Lightman Group is hired to determine whether the young star of a college basketball team accepted a bribe to play for the university.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Schweres Geschütz

Die Soldatin Sheila Lake bezichtigt ihren Kompanieführer Sergeant Russell Scott, sie sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Da Scott noch nie zuvor einer solchen Tat beschuldigt wurde und eine tragende Rolle bei gefährlichen Einsätzen in Krisengebieten spielt, zieht das Militär Dr. Cal Lightman hinzu.

France French (Français)

Amnésie morale

Cal et Ria enquêtent sur l'affaire d'une femme soldat qui prétend avoir été violée par son supérieur. Pendant ce temps, Gillian et Eli travaillent sur un joueur de basket qui aurait été corrompu.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Dire la cosa giusta

Il dottor Lightman ed i suoi colleghi indagano su un crollo verificatosi in un cantiere edile e riescono a salvare tre uomini intrappolati tra le macerie.

First Aired
TMDb 77% · 14 (more information on website)
IMDb 76% · 1,401 (more information on website)


Cal LightmanTim Roth
Gillian FosterKelli Williams
Ria TorresMonica Raymund
Eli LokerBrendan Hines

Guest Stars

Deputy WhitmoreVince Corazza
PolygrapherVan Epperson
Sgt. ScottDavid Anders
HeidiKristen Ariza
Major HarrisCharles Parnell
Secretary Adam MillerRob Brownstein
Sheila LakeAlicia Lagano
Jeremy LevineScott Alan Smith
Private MetzAmy Rosoff
Joe MetzRance Howard
Howard TaftScott Atkinson
Earl WhiteTheodore Perkins


ArtArt DirectionThomas T. Taylor
Production DesignAlec Hammond
Property MasterJane Gulick
Set DecorationSusan Benjamin
CameraCamera OperatorBill Brao
Frederick Iannone
Director of PhotographyAlan Caso
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignJill M. Ohanneson
Makeup Department HeadScott H. Eddo
DirectingDirectorAdam Davidson
Script SupervisorHeather Cappiello
EditingEditorPadraic McKinley
ProductionCasting AssociateRussell Scott
Co-Executive ProducerAdam Davidson
Dustin Thomason
Consulting ProducerDavid Hemingson
Tom Szentgyorgyi
Executive ProducerSteven Maeda
Supervising ProducerJosh Singer
SoundSound Re-Recording MixerKenneth Kobett
Michael Olman