TV Show 'Parks and Recreation' 7 Seasons

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Because parks don't grow on trees.

In an attempt to beautify her town — and advance her career — Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana, takes on bureaucrats, cranky neighbors, and single-issue fanatics whose weapons are lawsuits, the jumble of city codes, and the democratic process she loves so much.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Parks and Rec

Germany German (Deutsch)

Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung steht die ehrgeizige und liebenswerte stellvertretende Leiterin des Grünflächenamtes der fiktiven Stadt Pawnee im US-Bundesstaat Indiana, Leslie Knope, verkörpert von Amy Poehler. Die Serie begleitet im Mockumentary-Stil den Alltag des Grünflächenamtes der Stadt, das für Parks und Freizeiteinrichtungen zuständig ist. Die Autoren der Serie haben sich im Vorfeld intensiv mit der Kommunalpolitik in Kalifornien beschäftigt und die Behörden vor Ort besucht, um die Serie vor einem realistischen Hintergrund zu drehen.

France French (Français)

Le quotidien des employés du département des parcs et loisirs de la ville de Pawnee, dans l'État de l'Indiana, rythmé par les aventures et les mésaventures de leur directrice adjointe, Leslie Knope, qui a de grandes ambitions professionnelles et politiques... et des résultats pas toujours à la hauteur de ses espérances.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La protagonista della serie è Leslie Knope, vice direttrice del Parks and Recreation Department (il dipartimento che si occupa della manutenzione dei parchi pubblici) della città fittizia di Pawnee, Indiana. Il carattere ottimista ed entusiasta di Leslie si scontra spesso con quello ben diverso dei suoi colleghi, dal sarcastico Tom Haverford, all'urbanista Mark Brendanawicz, al capo-dipartimento con un'ottica antigovernativa Ron Swanson, all'apatica stagista April Ludgate. La migliore amica di Leslie è Ann Perkins, conosciuta durante una pubblica assemblea durante la quale ha protestato contro la presenza di un'enorme buca nei pressi della sua casa, in cui è caduto e ha riportato la frattura delle gambe il fidanzato Andy Dwyer.

Episode Runtimes
employer employee relationship
female protagonist
indiana, usa
office romance
political satire
workplace comedy
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Universal Television
United States of America Deedle-Dee Productions
United States of America Fremulon
United States of America 3 Arts Entertainment
United States of America NBC
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Canada PG
Australia M
Australia PG
Switzerland 12
Germany 12
Germany 16
Austria 12
France 16
TMDb 80% · 1,541 (more information on website)
IMDb 86% · 298,064 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 16
Season 224
Season 3The third season consisted of several major story arcs, including a complete shutdown of the Pawnee government for budgetary reasons, inspired by the real-life global financial crisis. Other storylines included the parks department's organization of a harvest festival, a romance between Leslie and Ben, and the dating and eventual marriage of Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate.16
Season 422
Season 522
Season 6Does Pawnee have someone with the intelligence, popularity and political savvy to run for higher office? Knope.20
Season 712


Leslie KnopeAmy Poehler
Tom HaverfordAziz Ansari
Ron SwansonNick Offerman
April LudgateAubrey Plaza
Andy DwyerChris Pratt
Ben WyattAdam Scott
Jerry GergichJim O'Heir
Donna MeagleRetta

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