Star Trek: Picard · Episode 2x7 'Monsters'
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Tallinn ventures inside Picard’s subconscious mind to help wake him from a coma and face both his darkest secrets and deepest fears. Seven and Raffi go in search of Jurati whom they fear has succumbed to the monster inside. Rios struggles to hide the truth of who he really is from Teresa.
German (Deutsch)
Tallinn begibt sich in Picards Unterbewusstsein, um ihm zu helfen, aus dem Koma zu erwachen und sich seinen tiefsten Ängsten zu stellen. Seven und Raffi suchen nach Jurati. Rios bemüht sich, die Wahrheit vor Teresa zu verbergen.
French (Français)
Tallinn s'aventure dans le subconscient de Picard pour l'aider à sortir du coma, et affronter à la fois ses secrets les plus sombres et ses peurs les plus profondes. Redoutant que Jurati ne succombe au monstre en elle, Seven et Raffi se lancent à sa poursuite. Rios s'efforce de cacher sa véritable identité à Teresa.
Italian (Italiano)
Tallinn si avventura nell’inconscio di Picard per aiutarlo a svegliarsi da un coma e affrontare i suoi segreti più oscuri e le sue paure più profonde. Sette e Raffi vanno alla ricerca della Jurati che temono abbia ceduto al mostro dentro di lei. Rios fatica a nascondere a Teresa la verità su chi è veramente.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 58% · 29 (more information on website)
- IMDb 54% · 3,984 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jean-Luc Picard | Patrick Stewart |
Dr. Agnes Jurati | Alison Pill |
Seven of Nine / Annika Hansen | Jeri Ryan |
Raffi Musiker | Michelle Hurd |
Elnor | Evan Evagora |
Cristóbal 'Chris' Rios | Santiago Cabrera |
Dr. Adam Soong | Brent Spiner |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Officer Leclerc | Ivo Nandi |
Young Picard / Prince | Dylan Von Halle |
Prisoner | Marti Matulis |
Jester | Travis Walck |
Guinan | Ito Aghayere |
Agent Wells | Jay Karnes |
Dr. Teresa Ramirez | Sol Rodríguez |
The Psychiatrist / Maurice Picard | James Callis |
Yvette Picard / Queen | Madeline Wise |
Bartender | Oscar Torre |
Red Bearded Guy | Cyrus Zoghi |
Ricardo | Steve Gutierrez |
Tallinn | Orla Brady |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Joe Menendez |
Writing | Writer | Jane Maggs |