Star Trek: Picard · Episode 2x9 'Hide and Seek'

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Picard and his crew fight for their lives as they come under attack from a new incarnation of an old enemy. But to survive, Picard must first face the ghosts of his past. Seven and Raffi have a final showdown with Jurati.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das Versteckspiel

Picard und seine Crew kämpfen um ihr Leben, als sie von einer neuen Inkarnation eines alten Feindes angegriffen werden. Doch um zu überleben, muss sich Picard zunächst den Geistern seiner Vergangenheit stellen. Seven und Raffi haben einen letzten Showdown mit Jurati.

France French (Français)


Picard et son équipage luttent pour leur survie, tandis qu'un vieil ennemi les attaque sous une nouvelle forme. Mais pour y parvenir, Picard doit affronter les fantômes de son passé. Seven et Raffi vivent une confrontation finale avec Jurati.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Picard e il suo equipaggio combattono per la loro vita quando vengono attaccati da una nuova versione di un vecchio nemico. Ma, per sopravvivere, Picard deve prima affrontare i fantasmi del suo passato. Sette e Raffi hanno uno scontro finale con la Jurati.

First Aired
TMDb 60% · 28 (more information on website)
IMDb 57% · 3,597 (more information on website)


Jean-Luc PicardPatrick Stewart
Dr. Agnes JuratiAlison Pill
Seven of Nine / Annika HansenJeri Ryan
Raffi MusikerMichelle Hurd
ElnorEvan Evagora
Cristóbal 'Chris' RiosSantiago Cabrera
Dr. Adam SoongBrent Spiner

Guest Stars

Yvette PicardMadeline Wise
Dr. Teresa RamirezSol Rodríguez
La Sirena Computer (voice)Kay Bess
Young PicardDylan Von Halle
Borg QueenAnnie Wersching
RicardoSteve Gutierrez
TallinnOrla Brady
Maurice PicardJames Callis
Borg Soldier (uncredited)Tait Fletcher


ArtConcept ArtistJames Chung
DirectingDirectorMichael Weaver