Star Trek: Picard · Episode 3x1 'The Next Generation'

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After receiving a cryptic, urgent distress call from Dr. Beverly Crusher, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard enlists help from generations old and new to embark on one final adventure: a daring mission that will change Starfleet, and his old crew forever.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die nächste Generation

Nach einem kryptischen Notruf von Dr. Crusher holt sich Admiral Picard die Hilfe alter und neuer Generationen, um zu einem letzten Abenteuer aufzubrechen: eine gewagte Mission, die die Sternenflotte und Picards alte Crew für immer verändern wird.

France French (Français)

La nouvelle génération

Suite à un appel de détresse urgent et énigmatique du Dr Beverly Crusher, Picard fait appel à différentes générations pour se lancer dans une dernière aventure : une mission qui changera à jamais Starfleet et son ancien équipage.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La prossima generazione

2401. In una zona di spazio al di fuori dei confini della Federazione, Beverly Crusher, ex ufficiale medico delle Enterprise D ed E, si trova a bordo della nave scientifica SS Eleos XII. Il computer di bordo trasmette il diario di un episodio avvenuto trent'anni prima, quando l'Enterprise D dovette nascondersi in una nebulosa per sfuggire a un cubo Borg. Improvvisamente la Eleos viene attaccata e abbordata da degli alieni sconosciuti.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 33 (more information on website)
IMDb 84% · 6,161 (more information on website)


Jean-Luc PicardPatrick Stewart
Seven of Nine / Annika HansenJeri Ryan
Raffi MusikerMichelle Hurd
Jack CrusherEd Speleers

Guest Stars

Captain William T. RikerJonathan Frakes
Captain Liam ShawTodd Stashwick
Ensign Sidney La ForgeAshlei Sharpe Chestnut
OrionAnthony Azizi
Lt. T'VeenStephanie Czajkowski
Lt. MuraJoseph Lee
Ensign FosterChad Lindberg
BartenderJani Wang
Dark Haired ManChristian Crandall
Eleos Computer (voice)Amy Earhart
Picard Chateau / La Sirena Computer (voice)Grace Lee
Human PatronRic Sarabia
Dr. Beverly CrusherGates McFadden
LarisOrla Brady
Ensign EsmarJin Maley


CameraDirector of PhotographyJon Joffin
CrewIn Memory OfAnnie Wersching
DirectingDirectorDouglas Aarniokoski
EditingEditorDrew Nichols
SoundOriginal Music ComposerStephen Barton