Carnival Row · Episode 2x3 'The Martyr's Hand'

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While Philo investigates the murders of the Black Raven’s leaders, Vignette plots revenge.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Hand des Märtyrers

Während Philo die Morde an den Anführern des Schwarzen Raben untersucht, sinnt Vignette auf Rache.

France French (Français)

La main du martyr

Tandis que Philo enquête sur les meurtres des dirigeants des Corbeaux Noirs, Vignette prépare sa vengeance.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La mano del martire

Mentre Philo indaga sugli omicidi dei capi dei Corvi Neri, Vignette trama vendetta.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 15 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Rycroft 'Philo' PhilostrateOrlando Bloom
Vignette StonemossCara Delevingne
Runyan MillworthySimon McBurney
Imogen SpurnroseTamzin Merchant
Agreus AstrayonDavid Gyasi
Ezra SpurnroseAndrew Gower
Tourmaline LarouKarla Crome
Jonah BreakspearArty Froushan
KaineJay Ali

Guest Stars

Louisa PembrokeIssy Stewart
JenilaSinéad Phelps
DahliaChloe Pirrie
Constable BerwickWaj Ali
Pix / Fae MotherJessica Boone
Nigel WinetroutBrian Caspe
ÉamonnEthan Kai
BoleroAnthony Kaye
PhaedraEve Ponsonby
Boz GhaidosStewart Scudamore
KingaMagdalena Šittová
AfissaTracey Wilkinson
Mikulas VirAndrew Buchan
Darius ProwellAriyon Bakare
Sergeant DombeyJamie Harris
Leonid PembrokeRoss Green
FergusJim High
PhotographerJamie Marshall
Constable TyndallVarney Blamah
Constable ThatchRyan Hayes
Sophie LongerbaneCaroline Ford
LeonoraJoanne Whalley


DirectingDirectorWendey Stanzler