Movie 'Hui Buh, das Schlossgespenst' (Hui Buh: The Castle Ghost)
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After 500 years, castle ghost Hui Buh finally has some royal residents to haunt, but he soon loses his license to scare and must get recertified.
German (Deutsch)
Schlossgespenst Hui Buh spukt schon seit über 500 Jahren auf Schloss Burgeck. Eines Tages allerdings möchte der schmierige König Julius der 111. gerne das Schloss für sein Vorhaben benutzen, seiner angebeteten Gräfin Leonora zu Etepetete einen Heiratsantrag zu machen. Hui Buh ist von dieser Idee natürlich überhaupt nicht begeistert und versucht flux den unbeliebten Besuch wieder aus seinem Schloss zu verjagen, jedoch ohne Erfolg. Zudem geht auch noch seine Spuklizenz, durch einen unglücklichen Zufall, in Flammen auf. Bald jedoch stellt sich Julius als ganz netter Zeitgenosse heraus, der Hui Buh bei der Wiedererlangung seiner Spuklizenz hilft.
French (Français)
Il y a cinq siècles, le chevalier Baldwin a été victime d'un mauvais sort. Désormais, il est condamné à errer dans son château sous l'apparence d'un fantôme nommé Hui Buh. L'arrivée des nouveaux propriétaires des lieux vient perturber sa quiétude. Hui Buh va tout faire pour les chasser mais sa maladresse et sa bonne tête ne l'aident pas vraiment dans cette tâche...
Italian (Italiano)
Mai barare al gioco delle carte: Baldovino, dopo aver provato a fare il furbo si ritrova condannato a girovagare come fantasma nelle stanze del suo castello, senza nemmeno potersi togliere lo sfizio di atterrire le persone che vi si trovano, visto che è decisamente pauroso. L'unico a fingersi terrorizzato, giusto per compiacere il fantasma, è un vecchissimo castellano. Le cose cambiano radicalmente quando Re Julius, erede del maniero, irrompe nel castello in qualità di unico erede e prossimo marito della bella Leonora. Il destino ha però in serbo una spiacevole sorpresa per il Re, che di punto in bianco si ritrova senza denari e senza prospettive. L'aiuto arriverà proprio da Uibu…
Part of Hui Buh Collection
Collection for the Hui Buh movies.
Hui Buh, das Schlossgespenst (Hui Buh: The Castle Ghost) owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 59% · 212
After 500 years, castle ghost Hui Buh finally has some royal residents to haunt, but he soon loses his license to scare and must get recertified.
Hui Buh und das Hexenschloss (Hui Buh and the Witch's Castle) owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 55% · 33
For over 500 years now, the castle ghost Hui Buh has been stirring things up at Castle Burgeck. His friend and owner of the castle, King Julius is not the only one who finds Hui Buh's poor attempts at scary hauntings terribly annoying. The chaotic atmosphere at the castle reaches an all-time high when the young witch Ophelia appears at the castle gates out of nowhere, claiming to be Hui Buh's long lost niece. Ophelia is in possession of the Necronomicon, an ancient book of spells that is as evil as it is powerful. Hui Buh, realizing the possibilities that the book would open up for him, is dying to get his hands on the book...
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Genres
- Adventure
- Animation
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Languages
- German (Deutsch)
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
Rat Pack Filmproduktion
- Medienfonds GFP
Constantin Film
- Release Dates
Theatrical 0
Digital 8
- Ratings
- TMDb 59% · 212 (more information on website)
- IMDb 48% · 3,304 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Hui Buh | Michael Herbig |
Julius | Christoph Maria Herbst |
Leonora Gräfin zu Etepetete | Heike Makatsch |
Konstanzia | Ellenie Salvo González |
Kastellan | Hans Clarin |
Charles | Rick Kavanian |
Daalor / Adolar | Nick Brimble |
Tommy | Martin Kurz |
Major Servatius Sebaldus | Wolfgang Völz |
Dicker Geisterjäger | Christoph Hagen Dittmann |
Dünner Geisterjäger | Michael Kessler |
Ritter Ottokar | Karel Dobrý |
Dekorateur 1 | Karel Vávrovec |
Kutscher | Mojmír Maděrič |
4-Armiger-Verwaltungsgeist / Polizei-Geist 2 | Nicholas Hohmann |
Fahrstuhlansager-Geist | Oliver Pocher |
Narrator | Hans Paetsch |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Gerhard Schirlo |
Directing | Director | Sebastian Niemann |
Editing | Editor | Moune Barius |
Production | Producer | Anita Schneider |
Christian Becker | ||
Simon Happ | ||
Sound | Original Music Composer | Egon Riedel |
Writing | Novel | Eberhard Alexander-Burgh |
Screenplay | Dirk Ahner | |
Sebastian Niemann |