Movie 'Hui Buh und das Hexenschloss' (Hui Buh and the Witch's Castle)
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For over 500 years now, the castle ghost Hui Buh has been stirring things up at Castle Burgeck. His friend and owner of the castle, King Julius is not the only one who finds Hui Buh's poor attempts at scary hauntings terribly annoying. The chaotic atmosphere at the castle reaches an all-time high when the young witch Ophelia appears at the castle gates out of nowhere, claiming to be Hui Buh's long lost niece. Ophelia is in possession of the Necronomicon, an ancient book of spells that is as evil as it is powerful. Hui Buh, realizing the possibilities that the book would open up for him, is dying to get his hands on the book...
German (Deutsch)
14 Jahre sind vergangen, seit König Julius zu Hui Buh ins Schloss Burgeck eingezogen ist. Während Hui Buh noch immer sehr darunter leidet, als Gespenst eine Lachnummer zu sein und damit Julius mächtig auf die Nerven geht, macht dieser eine harte Zeit durch, seit Konstanzia ihn verlassen hat. Auch die gähnende Leere der Schatzkammer des Schlosses wird langsam, aber sicher unübersehbar und trägt zum ewigen Streit der beiden bei. Da steht plötzlich die kleine Hexe Ophelia vor der Tür und bittet ihren Onkel Hui Buh um Hilfe. Sie erzählt Julius und Hui Buh von ihrer Flucht vor der bösen Hexe Erla, die ihre Mutter Maria entführt hat, auf der Suche nach dem Necronomicon, dem mächtigsten Zauberbuch der Welt. Hui Buh erkennt eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, endlich gruselig zu werden! Die sagenumwobenen Zaubersprüche des Buches könnten seinen Traum, ein gefürchtetes Gespenst zu sein, wahrmachen.
French (Français)
Hui Buh, le fantôme du château, est appelé à l’aide par sa nièce Ophélie dont la mère a été enlevée par la sorcière Erla. Les deux compères, secondés par le roi Julius, pénètrent dans la forêt des sorcières. C’est le début d’une aventure inoubliable...
Italian (Italiano)
Da più di 500 anni, il fantasma del castello Hui Buh fa le bizze al castello di Burgeck. Il suo amico e proprietario del castello, Re Julius, non è l'unico a trovare terribilmente fastidiosi i poveri tentativi di Hui Buh di creare spaventose infestazioni. L'atmosfera caotica del castello raggiunge il suo apice quando la giovane strega Ofelia appare dal nulla alle porte del castello, sostenendo di essere la nipote perduta di Hui Buh. Ophelia è in possesso del Necronomicon, un antico libro di incantesimi tanto malvagio quanto potente. Hui Buh, rendendosi conto delle possibilità che il libro gli aprirebbe, muore dalla voglia di metterci le mani sopra...
Part of Hui Buh Collection
Collection for the Hui Buh movies.
Hui Buh, das Schlossgespenst (Hui Buh: The Castle Ghost) owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 59% · 212
After 500 years, castle ghost Hui Buh finally has some royal residents to haunt, but he soon loses his license to scare and must get recertified.
Hui Buh und das Hexenschloss (Hui Buh and the Witch's Castle) owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 55% · 33
For over 500 years now, the castle ghost Hui Buh has been stirring things up at Castle Burgeck. His friend and owner of the castle, King Julius is not the only one who finds Hui Buh's poor attempts at scary hauntings terribly annoying. The chaotic atmosphere at the castle reaches an all-time high when the young witch Ophelia appears at the castle gates out of nowhere, claiming to be Hui Buh's long lost niece. Ophelia is in possession of the Necronomicon, an ancient book of spells that is as evil as it is powerful. Hui Buh, realizing the possibilities that the book would open up for him, is dying to get his hands on the book...
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Genres
- Adventure
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Languages
- German (Deutsch)
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
Rat Pack Filmproduktion
- Release Dates
Theatrical 6
TV TP CANAL+ Cine+ Famiz
- Ratings
- TMDb 55% · 33 (more information on website)
- IMDb 52% · 376 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Hui Buh | Michael Herbig |
König Julius der 111 | Christoph Maria Herbst |
Charles | Rick Kavanian |
Maria | Mina Tander |
Hexe Ophelia | Nelly Hoffmann |
Eishexe | Veronika Bellová |
Diandra | Leona Skleničková |
Necronomicon (voice) | Manou Lubowski |
Jaques | Raphael Keric |
Knusperhexe | Carmen-Maja Antoni |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Gerhard Schirlo |
Costume & Make-Up | Prosthetics Sculptor | Stuart Szymanski |
Directing | Director | Sebastian Niemann |
Editing | Editor | Moune Barius |
Production | Line Producer | Ulrike Fauth |
Producer | Christian Becker | |
Writing | Characters | Eberhard Alexander-Burgh |
Screenplay | Dirk Ahner | |
Sebastian Niemann |