Elementary · Episode 6x14 'Through the Fog'

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Holmes and Watson race to help Detective Bell when he becomes a victim of a bio-terrorism attack at the precinct and the station is quarantined. During the lockdown, Captain Gregson and Detective Bell begin to suspect they are trapped inside with the perpetrator. Also, Watson faces the difficult task of helping her mother, Mary, accept that her advancing Alzheimer’s disease requires her to receive more medical care.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Detective Bell ist Opfer eines Giftgas-Anschlages geworden, nachdem er eine herrenlose Tasche auf dem Revier fand. Da die Rauchbombe genau in dem Moment via eines Handy-Signals freigesetzt wurde, als Bell die Tasche untersuchen wollte, geht er davon aus, dass er vom Täter beobachtet wird. Ob noch Schlimmeres verhindert werden kann?

France French (Français)


Bell trouve un sac abandonné au poste de police, qui diffuse un gaz suspect. Le local est immédiatement placé en quarantaine. Les services sanitaires tentent d'isoler l'agent toxique alors que les premiers symptômes se manifestent chez deux personnes présentes sur les lieux de l'incident...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Nella nebbia

Holmes e Watson corrono per aiutare il detective Bell quando diventa vittima di un attacco di bioterrorismo al distretto e la stazione viene messa in quarantena. Durante il blocco, il capitano Gregson e il detective Bell iniziano a sospettare di essere intrappolati all'interno con l'autore. Inoltre, Watson deve affrontare il difficile compito di aiutare sua madre, Mary, ad accettare che il suo avanzare nel morbo di Alzheimer le richieda di ricevere maggiori cure mediche.

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 613 (more information on website)


Sherlock HolmesJonny Lee Miller
Joan WatsonLucy Liu
Marcus BellJon Michael Hill
Thomas GregsonAidan Quinn

Guest Stars

Dr. Bridget TanakaSuzy Nakamura
Mary WatsonFreda Foh Shen
Felipe DiazGonzalo Menendez
Anthony DanielsLeon Addison Brown
Natalie ParkRona Figueroa
Jeff StantonJoe Carroll
Jaylen ThomasHubert Point-Du Jour
Sean O'GradyMichael Rispoli
Hernan CortesRaul Aranas
Lydia WinchellMeredith Garretson
Officer RossiAlmeria Campbell
Officer MyersJimmy Brooks
JaviFreddy Miyares
CoraAmelia Workman
BobBrian Sills


CameraDirector of PhotographyRon Fortunato
CrewStunt CoordinatorMichael Russo
StuntsDaniel May Wong
Paige Rhea
DirectingDirectorGuy Ferland
EditingEditorSondra Watanabe