Elementary · Episode 6x15 'How to Get a Head'
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Holmes and Watson’s investigation into the murder of a religion professor puts them on the hunt for a killer connected to the occult. Also, Holmes and Watson curate a list of potential replacements for Detective Bell when it looks likely the officer will be asked to join the U.S. Marshal Service.
German (Deutsch)
Bei der Fahndung nach einem gestohlenen Huhn findet die Polizei eine männliche Leiche, die statt des eigenen Kopfes einen Hühnerkopf trägt. Alles deutet auf einen Ritualmord hin, da der Tote Religionslehrer und Okkultismus-Experte war. Sherlock und Joan gehen dieser Spur nach, stellen aber bald fest, dass hinter dem Mordfall eine hochprozentige Angelegenheit steckt, deren Ursprung in Guatemala liegt.
French (Français)
Sherlock et Joan cherchent un lieutenant qui remplacera Bell, après son départ chez les marshals. Ils en ont sélectionné deux, mais Joan a une aventure avec l'un deux. Sherlock présente donc l'autre à Gregson, qui rejette cette candidature...
Italian (Italiano)
L'indagine di Holmes e Watson sull'omicidio di un professore di religione li mette a caccia di un assassino connesso all'occulto. Inoltre, Holmes e Watson curano un elenco di potenziali sostituti per Detective Bell quando sembra probabile che all'ufficiale verrà chiesto di unirsi al servizio maresciallo degli Stati Uniti.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 79% · 7 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 626 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Sherlock Holmes | Jonny Lee Miller |
Joan Watson | Lucy Liu |
Marcus Bell | Jon Michael Hill |
Thomas Gregson | Aidan Quinn |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Valentina Duran | Rosanny Zayas |
Councilman Ledesma | Michael Cerveris |
Moira Baker | Anne L. Nathan |
Father Vega | Luis Antonio Ramos |
Detective Lena Romero | Elena Hurst |
Cerio Cristobal | Francisco Burgos |
Detective Grimes | Jason Alan Carvell |
Treadwell | John Dossett |
Mallory | Merritt Janson |
Anxious Woman | Beth Fowler |
Cop | Jorge Luna |
Cop | Joseph Castillo-Midyett |
Dr. Eugene Hawes | Jordan Gelber |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Tom Houghton |
Directing | Director | Christine Moore |
Editing | Editor | Jeff Vacirca |
Writing | Writer | Sherman Li |