Elementary · Episode 6x16 'Uncanny Valley of the Dolls'
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Holmes and Watson discover that the murder of a robotics engineer may be connected to his groundbreaking secret research in the area of real-life teleportation. Also, when Detective Bell is shut out of a required class he needs in order to complete his master’s degree and join the U.S. Marshal Service, he is shocked to discover the course instructor has personal reasons for denying him access.
German (Deutsch)
Homes und Watson entdecken, dass der Mord an einem Robotentwickler mit seinen bahnbrechenden Erfindungen auf dem Gebiet der Teleportation zu tun haben könnte. Detective Bell wird von einer wichtigen Klasse ausgeschlossen, die er braucht, um seinen Master abzuschließen und sich dem US-Marshall-Service anzuschließen. Er ist geschockt als er erfährt, dass der Kursleiter persönliche Gründe hat, ihm die Teilnahme zu versagen.
French (Français)
Sherlock et Watson enquêtent sur le meurtre d'un ingénieur spécialisé dans l'impression 3D. Celui-ci travaillait pour une société qui vend des robots sexuels plus vrais que nature. Or, un de ces androïdes se trouvait dans l'appartement au moment du meurtre et pourrait se révéler être un témoin crucial...
Italian (Italiano)
Holmes e Watson scoprono che l'omicidio di un ingegnere robotico potrebbe essere collegato alla sua rivoluzionaria ricerca segreta nell'area del teletrasporto nella vita reale. Inoltre, quando il detective Bell viene escluso da una classe richiesta di cui ha bisogno per completare il suo master e unirsi al servizio maresciallo degli Stati Uniti, è scioccato nello scoprire che l'istruttore del corso ha ragioni personali per negargli l'accesso.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 82% · 6 (more information on website)
- IMDb 80% · 690 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Sherlock Holmes | Jonny Lee Miller |
Joan Watson | Lucy Liu |
Marcus Bell | Jon Michael Hill |
Thomas Gregson | Aidan Quinn |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Nina Hudgins / Skyler | Marissa Neitling |
Alden Lubbock | Jayce Bartok |
Dr. Ken Fukata | James Saito |
Phillip Bridwell | Phillip James Brannon |
Gwen Haeny | Paloma Guzmán |
Evan Kowalski | Kevin Cahoon |
Rupert Hong | Ben Graney |
Professor Baynes | Ian Hart |
Dr. Ziegler | Ben Van Bergen |
General Howard Alvero | Tony Plana |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | Ron Fortunato |
Crew | Stunts | Anthony Mecca |
Directing | Director | Jonny Lee Miller |
Editing | Editor | Gerald Valdez |
Writing | Writer | Kelly Wheeler |
Tamara Jaron |