Castle · Episode 2x12 'A Rose for Everafter'

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When Castle and Beckett are called to a wedding to investigate the death of a bridesmaid, Castle is stunned to discover that the soon-to-be bride is his old flame, Kyra, "the one that got away". Complications ensue as Kyra, caught off-guard by Castle's reappearance in her life, wonders if she's marrying the right guy. With the nuptials forestalled and the entire wedding party under suspicion, Beckett questions Castle's ability to be objective about the case. But when it looks to Beckett like Castle and Kyra might rekindle their romance, her judgment may be compromised as well.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Eine Rose für immer und ewig

Ein Mord führt Castle mit seiner einstigen Geliebten Kyra zusammen - just am Tag ihrer Hochzeit, die durch den Mord an der Brautjungfer verhindert wird. Während Castle und Kyra alten Gefühlen neuen Lauf lassen, bemüht sich Beckett um sachliche Ermittlungen, die Kyra als potenzielle Mörderin miteinschliessen.

France French (Français)

Une rose pour l'éternité

Castle revoit une ancienne petite amie le jour du mariage de la jeune femme, car l'une de ses demoiselles d'honneur a été retrouvée assassinée. C'est l'occasion pour ces «ex» de laisser de doux souvenirs remonter à la surface, tandis que Beckett se découvre en proie à d'étranges scrupules amoureux !

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Una rosa per l'eternità

Castle e Beckett sono chiamati sulla scena di un crimine svoltosi durante una cerimonia matrimoniale e Rick si accorge che la sposa altri non è che una sua ex fidanzata. Il caso diventa difficoltoso per le tensioni emotive dei coinvolti, non ultima delle quali Beckett che diventa gelosa del feeling tra Castle e Kyra.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 20 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Richard CastleNathan Fillion
Kate BeckettStana Katic
Alexis CastleMolly C. Quinn
Javier EspositoJon Huertas
Kevin RyanSeamus Dever
Martha RodgersSusan Sullivan
Roy MontgomeryRuben Santiago-Hudson
Lanie ParishTamala Jones

Guest Stars

Kyra BlaineAlyssa Milano
Sheila BlaineMimi Kuzyk
Mike WeitzRyan Alosio
Boyd GambleJoe Nieves
Uncle TeddyGraham Beckel
RubyDeborah Strang
Greg MurphyBrady Smith
Keith MurphyPeter Katona
Laurie HillGina Hiraizumi
Lisa BloomfieldKimberly Estrada
Justice of the PeaceBrian Patrick Mulligan
WaiterKevin Herrera
Sophie RonsonBonnie Morgan
Kyra's UncleAlan Mueting


DirectingDirectorBryan Spicer