The Closer · Episode 7x12 'You Have the Right to Remain Jolly'

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Fred Willard (Modern Family) guest stars as Santa Jack, the owner of a Christmas village who believes he could be the real Father Christmas.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Tod im Kamin

France French (Français)

Qui veut la peau du Père Noël ?

Dans un village de Noël, l'arrivée du Père Noël tant attendue est interrompue par un terrible accident qui lui coûte la vie. Les agents mènent l'enquête et penchent pour la thèse du meurtre...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Hanno ucciso Babbo Natale

Brenda e la sua squadra, con l'aiuto di Casey, la sorella di Buzz, cercano di capire chi sta si nasconde dietro un omicidio. Le indagini portano alla scoperta di un deposito di droghe e contanti ritrovati non lontani dal luogo dell'omicidio.

First Aired
TMDb 87% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 339 (more information on website)


Brenda Leigh JohnsonKyra Sedgwick
Will PopeJ.K. Simmons
David GabrielCorey Reynolds
Russell TaylorRobert Gossett
Louie ProvenzaG.W. Bailey
Andy FlynnTony Denison
Mike TaoMichael Paul Chan
Officer Buzz WatsonPhillip P. Keene
Special Agent Fritz HowardJon Tenney
Julio SanchezRaymond Cruz
Captain Sharon RaydorMary McDonnell
Kevin AdamsMatt McCoy

Guest Stars

Casey WatsonChristine Woods
DonnaLauren Bowles
LisaIvory Tiffin
BelindaLiz Vital
CarmenBarbara Costa Martins
Santa JackFred Willard
Gavin Q. Baker IIIMark Pellegrino
KendallRansford Doherty
Sharon RaydorMary McDonnell


CrewCreatorJames Duff
Stunt CoordinatorSpike Silver
Stunt DoubleNancy McCrumb
Renae Moneymaker
Stunt DriverEd McDermott II
DirectingDirectorRick Wallace
ProductionExecutive ProducerKyra Sedgwick