Suits · Episode 6x1 'To Trouble'
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Mike transitions to prison life while Harvey, Jessica, Louis, Donna and Rachel deal with the fallout of Mike’s plea deal and try to prevent what’s left of PSL from collapsing.
German (Deutsch)
Mike stellt sich auf das Leben im Gefängnis ein. Harvey, Jessica, Louis, Donna und Rachel müssen mit den Folgen von Mikes Vereinbarung mit dem Gericht klarkommen: Sie wollen verhindern, dass das, was von PSL übrig geblieben ist, vollends zusammenbricht.
French (Français)
Mike affronte sa nouvelle réalité, alors que ses collègues luttent pour sauver le cabinet et doivent gérer tant leurs conflits internes que des litiges externes.
Italian (Italiano)
Mike affronta la sua nuova realtà, mentre gli altri membri dello studio lottano per salvare l'attività tra controversie interne ed esterne.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 77% · 24 (more information on website)
- IMDb 81% · 2,768 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Mike Ross | Patrick J. Adams |
Harvey Specter | Gabriel Macht |
Louis Litt | Rick Hoffman |
Donna Paulsen | Sarah Rafferty |
Rachel Zane | Meghan, Duchess of Sussex |
Jessica Pearson | Gina Torres |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Benjamin | David Reale |
Ruth | Patrice Goodman |
Frank Gallo | Paul Schulze |
Julius Rowe | Malcolm-Jamal Warner |
Guard #1 | Jake Michaels |
Guard #2 | Adrian G. Griffiths |
Delivery Guy | Hugh Tran |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Silver Tree |
Editing | Editor | Dan Rovetto |
Writing | Writer | Aaron Korsh |