Suits · Episode 6x2 'Accounts Payable'

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Louis, Jessica and Harvey fend off a class action lawsuit from PSL’s former clients. Meanwhile, Mike runs afoul of a fellow prisoner due to reasons beyond his own control.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Beglichene Rechnungen

Louis, Jessica und Harvey müssen eine Sammelklage abwehren, die einige ehemalige Mandanten von PSL angestrengt haben. Im Gefängnis gerät Mike mit einem anderen Häftling aneinander – aus Gründen, die er nicht versteht.

France French (Français)

Payer sa dette

Le cabinet continue à contester le recours collectif. Mike se fait un nouvel ami, à contrecœur. Il reçoit les visites de Harvey et de Rachel.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Lo studio prosegue nella class action. Mike a malincuore stringe una nuova amicizia. Harvey e Rachel fanno visita a Mike in occasioni diverse.

First Aired
TMDb 74% · 24 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Mike RossPatrick J. Adams
Harvey SpecterGabriel Macht
Louis LittRick Hoffman
Donna PaulsenSarah Rafferty
Rachel ZaneMeghan, Duchess of Sussex
Jessica PearsonGina Torres

Guest Stars

Robert ZaneWendell Pierce
GretchenAloma Wright
Judge HowardSugith Varughese
Jack SoloffJohn Pyper-Ferguson
Sean CahillNeal McDonough
Elliott StemplePatrick Fischler
Frank GalloPaul Schulze
Julius RoweMalcolm-Jamal Warner
Guard #2Adrian G. Griffiths
Kevin MillerErik Palladino
Wendy BoyleNatalie Charles
Arlene RosenClaire Rankin
PSL GreeterPriya Rajaratnam
AssociateChristo Graham
Guard #3Daniel Stolfi


DirectingDirectorMichael Smith
EditingEditorSara Mineo