Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 1x21 'Faith'

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When a wealthy publisher is murdered to prevent him from exposing an elaborate confidence game that enveloped him, his company and one of his editors, Goren and Eames run their own con to extract a confession from the killer.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Tödliche Zweifel

Die 14-jährige Erica, die an einer tödlichen Krankheit leidet, ist die Autorin eines Buches, das vielen verzweifelten Menschen wieder Kraft und Mut gegeben hat.

France French (Français)

Chantage sur Internet

Un éditeur de magazine, Douglas Lafferty, meurt dans des circonstances mystérieuses. L'enquête révèle, peu après, que la victime versait des sommes considérables à une jeune femme infirme, Erica...

First Aired
TMDb 73% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 409 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Toby WindemereAdam LeFevre
AlludDariush Kashani
Douglas LaffertyRemak Ramsay
Mr. GreenBill Raymond
Christine WilkesPolly Draper
Barb WindemereMia Dillon
David CantlerMatthew Sussman
Detective AbramsonPhilip LeStrange
Jerry LaffertyChristopher Durham
Carol LaffertyMarianne Tatum
Len JenkinsGuiesseppe Jones
Attorney JacobsSal Mistretta
MurrayVictor Truro
TrixieCyndi Coyne
NinaSondra Wymar
Police AssistantSteve Harper


DirectingDirectorEdwin Sherin