Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 5x15 'Wrongful Life'

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Goren and Eames investigate the death of Eric Newsome, an urban explorer who was found in a water tower. During their investigation, they learn that Eric had been looking into the files of Dr. Everett Janns, an OB/GYN who had examined his sister Nikki's boyfriend Drew's mother years earlier when she had been carrying his sister Lisa. Lisa Ramsey was born with spina bifida, and Victoria Carson was suing her primary OB/GYN, Dr. Dominic McKenna, with a wrongful life suit, charging that he did not perform the necessary tests needed to establish whether or not her child had spina bifida, which would have influenced whether or not she had an abortion.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Maschinenbau-Student Eric Newsome holt sich den besonderen Kick, indem er an Orte vordringt, die nur schwer zugänglich sind. Als sein Freund Drew ihn bittet, in ein Krankenhaus einzudringen und dort eine Akte zu stehlen, stimmt Eric deshalb begeistert zu. Der Freundschaftsdienst wird ihm jedoch zum Verhängnis: Er landet in einem Wasserspeicher auf dem Dach eines Bürogebäudes - ermordet.

France French (Français)

Une vie par erreur

Les détectives Goren et Eames enquêtent sur la mort de Eric Newsome, un étudiant en ingénierie, dont le corps a été retrouvé dans un château d'eau. Durant leurs investigations, ils découvrent que la victime avait examiné des dossiers appartenant à un certain docteur Everett Janns...

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 1 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 307 (more information on website)


Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Victoria CarsonTalia Balsam
Francis McKennaEric Saiet
Nikki NewsomeJessica Collins
Eric NewsomeVincent Piazza
Drew RamseyJonathan Tucker
Lisa RamseyAlison Pill
Dominic McKennaJack Davidson
Janice RamseyLois Markle
Christine NewsomeSuzanne Grodner
Olivia GrahamDonna Mitchell
Ron NewsomeDavid Wagner
Rick SwaranCornell Womack
Oscar RamosGerardo Rodriguez
Detective HadrianNick Basta
RafeDuane McLaughlin
PulaskiChristopher McHale
BertoLeroy McClain
JeromeE.J. Carroll
StuNick Taylor
JoslynSonnie Brown
Lisa RamseyJack Davidson
ChristopherEthan Goldsmith
