The Rookie · Episode 3x12 'Brave Heart'
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After rushing his son, Henry, to the hospital following his collapse, Nolan is reunited with his ex-wife, Sarah, and they must come together to help their son. Meanwhile, Detective Lopez discovers “La Fiera” is in the same hospital and wants to find out exactly why.
German (Deutsch)
Nolan trifft auf seine Ex-Frau, als ihr Sohn Henry ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird. Lopez versucht herauszufinden, was La Fiera in der Klinik macht.
German (Deutsch)
Johns Sohn Henry ist bei einer Dinner-Veranstaltung zusammengebrochen – und nun kämpfen die Ärzte um sein Leben. Er und seine Ex-Frau Sarah müssen nun gemeinsam schwierige Entscheidungen treffen. (Text: Sky) Alternativtitel: Schwere Entscheidung
German (Deutsch)
Nolan trifft auf seine Ex-Frau, als ihr Sohn Henry ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird. Lopez versucht herauszufinden, was La Fiera in der Klinik macht.
French (Français)
Après avoir transporté son fils à l'hôpital après son effondrement, Nolan retrouve son ex-femme et ils doivent s'unir pour aider leur fils. Le détective Lopez découvre que "La Fiera" est dans le même hôpital et veut savoir exactement pourquoi.
Italian (Italiano)
Dopo aver portato suo figlio, Henry, in ospedale in seguito al suo crollo, Nolan si riunisce con la sua ex moglie, Sarah, e devono riunirsi per aiutare il figlio. Intanto il detective Lopez scopre che “La Fiera” è nello stesso ospedale e vuole scoprire esattamente perché.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 83% · 19 (more information on website)
- IMDb 76% · 1,104 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
John Nolan | Nathan Fillion |
Lucy Chen | Melissa O'Neil |
Jackson West | Titus Makin Jr. |
Angela Lopez | Alyssa Diaz |
Tim Bradford | Eric Winter |
Nyla Harper | Mekia Cox |
Wade Grey | Richard T. Jones |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Henry's Doctor | LisaGay Hamilton |
Tomás Madrigal | Tony Amendola |
Sarah Nolan | Emily Deschanel |
Diego de La Cruz | Anthony Keyvan |
Aaron Galeno | Reynaldo Gallegos |
Cesar Madrigal | Jason Canela |
Sandra de La Cruz | Camille Guaty |
Henry Nolan | Zayne Emory |
Tamara Colins | Dylan Conrique |
Nurse Lisa | Crystal Coney |
Abigail | Madeleine Coghlan |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Lisa Demaine |
Writing | Writer | Alexi Hawley |
Paula Puryear | ||
Vincent Angell |