Resident Alien · Episode 1x8 'End of the World as We Know It'

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Asta saves a badly injured Harry after they fall into a glacial crevasse — and in the process learns a shocking secret.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Abgrund des Todes

Harry muss sich auf Asta und D'arcy verlassen, um zu überleben.

France French (Français)

La fin du monde

Harry, D'Arcy et Asta se retrouvent pris au piège après l'effondrement du glacier. Alors que D'Arcy tente de remonter à la surface pour contacter les secours, Harry est blessé et Asta découvre alors toute la vérité sur sa véritable identité. De son côté, le maire tente d'asseoir son autorité.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La fine del mondo come lo conosciamo

D'Arcy viene messo fuori combattimento mentre Asta e Harry si trovano nel profondo di un crepaccio del ghiacciaio. La gamba di Harry è ferita, rendendolo incapace di nascondere la sua identità, ma Asta si fa nobilmente avanti per occuparsi delle sue ferite e cercare il suo dispositivo perso, che Harry dice essere una radio.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 23 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 1,843 (more information on website)


Harry VanderspeigleAlan Tudyk
Asta TwelvetreesSara Tomko
Mike ThompsonCorey Reynolds
D'arcy BloomAlice Wetterlund
Ben HawthorneLevi Fiehler
Max HawthorneJudah Prehn
Liv BakerElizabeth Bowen

Guest Stars

Thomas HoffmanChris Bradford
Deputy JackDon Wright
Old LadyKate Mitchell
Male NurseKheon Clarke
WaiterRodrigo Massa
David LoganAlex Barima
Alien Harry DoubleKeith Arbuthnot
General Eleanor McCallisterLinda Hamilton
Lisa CasperMandell Maughan
Abigail HodgesDeborah Finkel
JohnTrevor Carroll
Ellen ChoDiana Bang
Dan TwelvetreesGary Farmer
Kate HawthorneMeredith Garretson


ArtArt DirectionMark Stope
Production DesignMichael Joy
CameraDirector of PhotographyScott Williams
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignerCynthia Summers
CrewStunt CoordinatorDavid Jacox
DirectingDirectorShannon Kohli
First Assistant DirectorShamess Shute
Script CoordinatorZach Cannon
Script SupervisorLinda Strathdee
Second Assistant DirectorGurjit Chohan
Third Assistant DirectorAngelique Christophorou
Natasha Walford
Ross Langill
EditingEditorSeagan Ngai
ProductionProduction ManagerBrad Jubenville
SoundMusicNoah Sorota