Resident Alien · Episode 1x9 'Welcome Aliens'

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To repair his planet-killing device, Harry visits an alien convention to harvest implants from UFO abductees. Mike asks Liv to rejoin the department.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen

Harry und Asta nehmen an einer Außerirdischen-Konferenz teil.

France French (Français)

Rencontres d’un autre type

Harry doit réparer son émetteur radio pour mettre à exécution son plan fatidique. Il se rend dans une convention d’ufologues dans le but de côtoyer des humains qui ont été approchés par des extraterrestres. Kate invite sans le savoir à dîner les deux agents du gouvernement à la recherche de Max.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Benvenuti alieni

Mentre la gamba si rigenera, Harry scopre che il suo dispositivo è rotto. Avendo bisogno di un metallo che gli alieni grigi impiantano nelle persone rapite, lui e Asta visitano una convention di esperimenti alieni.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 21 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 1,904 (more information on website)


Harry VanderspeigleAlan Tudyk
Asta TwelvetreesSara Tomko
Mike ThompsonCorey Reynolds
D'arcy BloomAlice Wetterlund
Ben HawthorneLevi Fiehler
Max HawthorneJudah Prehn
Liv BakerElizabeth Bowen

Guest Stars

Giorgio A. TsoukalosGiorgio A. Tsoukalos
Bearded ManMichael McIntyre
Female Experiencer #1Kemi Mathers
Female Experiencer #2Sandra Medeiros
Female Experiencer #3Tiffani Timms
Male Experiencer #1Richard Yee
Male Experiencer #2Ryan Egan
Pregnant WomanKayla Deorksen
Female AbducteeArianna McGregor
StanleyCorvin Mack
RayRay G. Thunderchild
Mousy WomanVeronika Hadravá
Young Peter BachDylan Sloane
Peter BachTerry O'Quinn
David LoganAlex Barima
Alien Harry DoubleKeith Arbuthnot
Lisa CasperMandell Maughan
Abigail HodgesDeborah Finkel
Lewis ThompsonAlvin Sanders
Ellen ChoDiana Bang
Sahar KarimiGracelyn Awad Rinke
Judy CooperJenna Lamia
JayKaylayla Raine
Kate HawthorneMeredith Garretson


ArtArt DirectionMark Stope
Assistant Art DirectorLynn Snedden
Production DesignMichael Joy
CameraDirector of PhotographyScott Williams
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignerCynthia Summers
CrewPost Production SupervisorLinda Lindy Janota
Stunt CoordinatorDavid Jacox
DirectingDirectorShannon Kohli
First Assistant DirectorShamess Shute
Script CoordinatorZach Cannon
Script SupervisorLinda Strathdee
Second Assistant DirectorGurjit Chohan
Third Assistant DirectorAngelique Christophorou
Natasha Walford
Ross Langill
EditingAssistant EditorErin Druez
EditorAdam Bluming
Erin Druez
ProductionProduction ManagerBrad Jubenville
SoundMusicNoah Sorota
Music EditorDerek Syverud
Music SupervisorLaura Webb
Sound MixerEric Lamontagne
Visual EffectsVisual Effects SupervisorBrian Fisher
David Beedon