Warehouse 13 · Episode 4x13 'The Big Snag'

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A mishap with an artifact traps Pete and Myka in a fictional 1940s world where they have to solve a murder to escape... but someone doesn't want them to. Meanwhile, Claudia and Steven convince Artie to go along with them to investigate reports of stolen cars, and Artie starts taking dangerous risks.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Fall des vermissten Jade-Elefanten

Während Pete und Myka versuchen mit Hilfe eines Artefaktes Energiebälle zu absorbieren, werden sie in das Manuskript eines Krimiromans gezogen. Schnell stellen die beiden fest, dass sie die Geschichte bis zum Ende durchspielen müssen, um wieder nach Hause zu gelangen. (Text: Sky)

France French (Français)

Série noire

Pete et Myka se retrouvent coincés dans un roman policier des années 40 à la recherche d'un artefact. Ils doivent mener l'enquête dans une époque dont ils ne maîtrisent pas tous les codes. Pendant ce temps, Artie, Steve et Claudia tentent de retrouver un voleur de voitures...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il grande imbroglio

Pete e Myka si ritroveranno catapultati in un romanzo noir ambientato negli anni quaranta e mentre cercano di seguirne la trama , dovranno svolgere la loro missione, ovvero riuscire a recuperare un prezioso artefatto. Nel frattempo, nel mondo reale, Artie, Steve e Claudia saranno impegnati a dare la caccia ad un misterioso ladro di auto fantasma.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Pete LattimerEddie McClintock
Myka BeringJoanne Kelly
Arthur "Artie" NielsenSaul Rubinek
Claudia DonovanAllison Scagliotti
Steve JinksAaron Ashmore
LeenaGenelle Williams
Mrs. FredericCCH Pounder

Guest Stars

Adwin KosanFaran Tahir
Anthony BishopEnrico Colantoni
Lily AbbottMissi Pyle
Rebecca CarsonAmerica Olivo
Joel LambethMarqus Bobesich
Caspian BarnabasJefferson Mappin
AmyAmanda Brugel
Coat Check GirlVanessa Smythe
Desk ClerkJohn-Paul Nickel


CameraDirector of PhotographyMichael McMurray
CrewStunt CoordinatorMatt Birman
Stunt DoubleBernadette Couture
Dana Jones
Daryl Patchett
StuntsCraig Snoyer
Jamie Jones
DirectingDirectorChris Fisher
EditingEditorJohn Heath