Warehouse 13 · Episode 4x14 'The Sky's the Limit'

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While Pete and Myka travel to Las Vegas to investigate two deaths where the people inexplicably fell from great heights, Claudia and Steven investigate two jockeys in London who went into comas after winning their races. Meanwhile, Artie gets a visitor to the warehouse.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Magie des Schwebens

Myka und Pete lösen einen Mord in Las Vegas, bei dem Menschen buchstäblich vom Himmel fallen. Artie trifft unterdessen die neue Besitzerin des Bed & Breakfasts Abigal Chow. Sie soll ihm bei der emotionalen Verarbeitung des Mordes an Leena helfen und ihn aus seinem Loch holen. (Text: Sky)

France French (Français)

Pure magie

Pete et Myka se rendent à Las Vegas pour enquêter sur des meurtres qui ont eu lieu dans le monde de la magie. Claudia et Jinks recherchent un artefact utilisé pour truquer des courses hippiques, tandis qu'Artie recontre la nouvelle gérante de l'auberge...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il cielo è Il limite

Pete e Myka si dirigeranno a Las Vegas, dove dovranno investigare su una serie di omicidi che sono legati al mondo dell’illusionismo. Nel frattempo, Claudia e Jinks saranno impegnati nella ricerca di un artefatto che viene utilizzato per truccare le corse dei cavalli, mentre Artie conosce la nuova proprietaria del, Abigail Cho.

First Aired
TMDb 65% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Pete LattimerEddie McClintock
Myka BeringJoanne Kelly
Arthur "Artie" NielsenSaul Rubinek
Claudia DonovanAllison Scagliotti
Steve JinksAaron Ashmore
LeenaGenelle Williams
Mrs. FredericCCH Pounder

Guest Stars

Irene FredericCCH Pounder
Luxy Lounge BartenderRiel Paley
Monty the MagnificentJoel Grey
Val PrestonSteve Valentine
Ricky JohnsonGregg Lowe
RoseNora Zehetner
BeatriceGoldy Notay
Sir HenryShaun Austin-Olsen
Race Horse OwnerDavid Schurmann
Devil's Share JockeyGavin Williams
Monty's DoctorTerrence Bryant
Hotel ConciergeRussell Yuen
Restaurant WaiterAldrin Bundoc
Val's PromoterRobert Verlaque
GolferSteve Coombes
StripperTara Joshi
Charlotte DupresPolly Walker
Abigail ChowKelly Hu
